Students Presentation

Japanese Economy in Transition


1.     Each presenter is supposed to speak for 20 minutes for each issue, by showing a set of presentation slides.

2.      Convert your file to a PDF format (.pdf).  

3.     Name your presentation slides (PDF) as <economy-LAST NAME-first name> and submit it to the file sharing system before the presentation.

Your task:  choose A, B or C.

A (6/27): Regional Income Redistribution Policies: Review the process, policies, reactions from society, debates, and future perspectives of your country.

          Amira (F), Sharlene (Indonesia), Jihyeon (South Korea), Cindy

B (7/04): Regional gap and young peoples move in your country.

          Fridrik (Iceland), Mak Ka Hei (HK), Hoc Hun Kiu (HK), Vincent (F)

@   Review the current states of regional gap and its effects on the move (immigration) of young people.

A   What are the government policies to restrict or encourage peoples move across regions?

B   What are the roles of the central and regional governments? What are the divisions of tasks between central and regional governments?

C (7/11): Inequality and Poverty

         Joy (Taiwan-regional gap), Iris (HK), Melodie (Indonesia), Frank (Spain), Alexandre (F), Levi (USA), Roman

1.      Review income inequality, mechanism creating it, policies to reduce it, and reactions from people, of your country.

2.      Review poverty, mechanism creating it, policies to reduce it, and reactions from people, of your country.