Take-home Final Examination
Modern History of Japan II
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1 Who are the following famous (or notorious) figures in Japanese history?
1. A political-science professor who proposed an original view of Japanese style of constitutional government in Taisho era, in which the government should seek for peoplefs welfare, while the emperorfs sovereignty is maintained.
2. An operation officer of the Kwantung Army, who developed an apocalyptic view of the upcoming gfinal warhbetween Japan and the United States.
3. A minister of finance, who stopped the gold standard and brought a miraculous recovery to Japanese economy after the Great Depression.
4. A prime minister, who was sentenced to be guilty in the war conspiracy crime to wage a war against the United Nations
5. A conservative political leader who led Japan in the late 1940s and signed the San Francisco Peace Treaty in 1951.
6. A conservative political leader in 1950s, who criticized the US-Japan security treaty as gsubordinate independencehand normalized the diplomatic relation with the Soviet-Russia in 1956
7. A prime minister who signed the revised US-Japan security treaty in 1960
8. A prime minister who proposed the gincome doubling planhin 1960.
9. A daughter born in a capitalist family, later married with our Crown Prince Akihito in 1959
10. A famous novelist who wrote Kinkakuji and other well-known titles, and later killed himself in Harakiri after a desperate call to the Self Defense Force for a coup dfétat in 1970..
11. A famous Tokyo-prefecture governor and a symbol of the progressive local leadership in 1970s
12. A notorious LDP leader of 1970s, who was arrested by police in the Lockheed Scandal
13. A famous opposition party leader, who brought a land-sliding victory to her party in the Upper House election when LDP was involved with the Recruit scandal in 1989.
14. A reformist politician, born as a heir of one of the most aristocratic families in Japan, and then became the prime minister of the first non-LDP cabinet since 1955.
15. A political leader, who broke LDP leadership to form a reform-oriented coalition government in 1993, later became a leader of the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), and then led a minor gLife Party.h
16. A religious cult leader, who plotted the poisonous gas attack on the subway passengers in Tokyo in 1995.
17. A Harvard graduate, who abandoned her career as a diplomat and married with Crown Prince Naruhito in 1993.
18. An LDP leader who led a gstructural reformhof Japanese economy in the early 2000s.
19. A DPJ prime minister who failed in the relocation of the US military base in Okinawa and resigned in 2010?
20. A DPJ prime minister, who succeeded Kan in 2011 and passed the consumption tax raising bill through the diet in 2012.
21. A current LDP leader, who is maintaining the longest tenure as a prime minister in the history of Japanfs constitutional government?
22. A newly emerging local leader in Osaka, who proposes dictatorship as the way to recover the integrity in Japanfs politics today
23. A Tokyo Prefecture governor in 2000s, who is notorious for his discriminating words against immigrants and social minorities.
24. A reelected Tokyo prefectural governor, who is a graduate of the Cairo University, was a TV news show anchor woman, and then turned to be a conservative party member?
25. A populist leader in the late 2010s, who started his career as an actor, later turned to be a social activist, and then organized his own party, to call for anti-austerity fiscal policies?
2 Explain the following special terms (events, incidents, etc.).
1. The gminpon-shugih
2. The emperor-as-state-organ theory
3. gA Factory Shiph
4. The Nanjing Massacre
5. Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere
6. Imperial Rule Assistance Association
7. Kokutai
8. Sazae-san
9. Income Doubling Plan
10. Structural Impediments Initiative Negotiations
11. Plaza Accord 1985
12. ghistory recognitionhissues
13. Futenma Base Problem
14. The Great East-Japan Earthquake
15. The Restauration Party