Take-home Final Examination

Modern History of Japan II


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1       Who are the following famous (or notorious) figures in Japanese history?

1.         A political-science professor who proposed an original view of Japanese style of constitutional government in Taisho era, in which the government should seek for peoplefs welfare, while the emperorfs sovereignty is maintained.

2.         An operation officer of the Kwantung Army, who developed an apocalyptic view of the upcoming gfinal warhbetween Japan and the United States.

3.         A minister of finance, who stopped the gold standard and brought a miraculous recovery to Japanese economy after the Great Depression.

4.         A prime minister, who was sentenced to be guilty in the war conspiracy crime to wage a war against the United Nations

5.         A conservative political leader who led Japan in the late 1940s and signed the San Francisco Peace Treaty in 1951.

6.         A conservative political leader in 1950s, who criticized the US-Japan security treaty as gsubordinate independencehand normalized the diplomatic relation with the Soviet-Russia in 1956

7.         A prime minister who signed the revised US-Japan security treaty in 1960

8.         A prime minister who proposed the gincome doubling planhin 1960.

9.         A daughter born in a capitalist family, later married with our Crown Prince Akihito in 1959

10.       A famous novelist who wrote Kinkakuji and other well-known titles, and later killed himself in Harakiri after a desperate call to the Self Defense Force for a coup dfétat in 1970..

11.       A famous Tokyo-prefecture governor and a symbol of the progressive local leadership in 1970s

12.       A notorious LDP leader of 1970s, who was arrested by police in the Lockheed Scandal  

13.       A famous opposition party leader, who brought a land-sliding victory to her party in the Upper House election when LDP was involved with the Recruit scandal in 1989.

14.       A reformist politician, born as a heir of one of the most aristocratic families in Japan, and then became the prime minister of the first non-LDP cabinet since 1955.

15.       A political leader, who broke LDP leadership to form a reform-oriented coalition government in 1993, later became a leader of the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), and then led a minor gLife Party.h

16.       A religious cult leader, who plotted the poisonous gas attack on the subway passengers in Tokyo in 1995.

17.       A Harvard graduate, who abandoned her career as a diplomat and married with Crown Prince Naruhito in 1993.

18.       An LDP leader who led a gstructural reformhof Japanese economy in the early 2000s.

19.       A DPJ prime minister who failed in the relocation of the US military base in Okinawa and resigned in 2010?

20.       A DPJ prime minister, who succeeded Kan in 2011 and passed the consumption tax raising bill through the diet in 2012. 

21.       A current LDP leader, who is maintaining the longest tenure as a prime minister in the history of Japanfs constitutional government?

22.       A newly emerging local leader in Osaka, who proposes dictatorship as the way to recover the integrity in Japanfs politics today

23.       A Tokyo Prefecture governor in 2000s, who is notorious for his discriminating words against immigrants and social minorities.

24.       A reelected Tokyo prefectural governor, who is a graduate of the Cairo University, was a TV news show anchor woman, and then turned to be a conservative party member?

25.       A populist leader in the late 2010s, who started his career as an actor, later turned to be a social activist, and then organized his own party, to call for anti-austerity fiscal policies?

2       Explain the following special terms (events, incidents,  etc.).

1.         The gminpon-shugih

2.         The emperor-as-state-organ theory

3.         gA Factory Shiph

4.         The Nanjing Massacre

5.         Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere

6.         Imperial Rule Assistance Association

7.         Kokutai

8.         Sazae-san

9.         Income Doubling Plan

10.       Structural Impediments Initiative Negotiations

11.       Plaza Accord 1985

12.       ghistory recognitionhissues

13.       Futenma Base Problem

14.       The Great East-Japan Earthquake

15.       The Restauration Party