2006/01/24 〜
はじめに 感想 文献 共同研究者募集
Becker, Gary (1991), A Note on Restaurant Pricing and Other Examples of Social Influences on Price, Journal of Political Economy 99(5), 1109-1116.
Connolly, Marie and Alan B. Krueger (2005), "Rockonomics: The Economics of Popular Music," Working Paper 499, Industrial Relations Section, Princeton University.
Courty, Pascal (2000), An Economic Guide to Ticket Pricing in the Entertainment Industry. Louvain Economic Review. (66) 2 2000 p. 167-192.
Courty, Pascal (2003), Some Economics of Ticket Resale. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 17 (2) p.85-97.
Courty, Pascal. (2003). Ticket Pricing Under Demand Uncertainty. Journal of Law and Economics. XLVI (2), p. 627-52.
Krueger, Alan B. (2005), The Economics of Real Superstars: The Market for Concerts in the Material World, Journal of Labor Economics, 23(1), 1-30.
Krugman, P. (1999). Thinking Outside the Box Office: Ticket scalping and the future of capitalism. MSN Slate, May 13, 1999. Retrieved January 19, 2004 from http://slate.msn.com/id/28017/.
Rosen, Sherwin (1981), The Economics of Superstars, American Economic Review, 71(5), 845-858.
Rosen, Sherwin and Andrew M. Rosenfield (1997), Ticket Pricing, Journal of Law and Economics, XL, 351-375.
Swofford J. L. (1999). “Arbitrage, Speculation, and Public Policy Toward Ticket Scalping.” Public Finance Review, 27, 531-540.
Swofford (2003). A Graphical Analysis of ‘Scalping’: A Reply. Public Finance Review: 31, 700-704.