A Lecture Plan on Advanced Macroeconomics
Ryoichi Imai
International Student Center, Kyushu University
The list below contains only the materials
which were directly discussed in the class.
For a more detailed Reading List, Click here.
Aghion, Philippe, and Peter Howitt [1998], Endogenous Economic Growth, MIT Press.
Barro, Robert J., and Xavier Sala-i-Martin [1995], Economic Growth, MIT Press.
Blanchard, Olivier, and Stanley Fisher [1989], Lectures on Macroeconomics. MIT Press.
Jones, Charles I. [1998], Introduction to Economic Growth, Norton.
Obstfeld and Rogoff [1996], The Foundations of International Macroeconomics, MIT Press
Pissarides, Christopher A. [2000], Equilibrium Unemployment Theory, 2nd Edition, MIT Press.
Romer, David [2001], Advanced Macroeconomics, Second Edition, McGraw-Hill.
Saint-Paul, Gilles [2000], The Political Economy of Labour Market Institutions, Oxford University Press.
Part I
The Intertemporal Approach
Obstfeld and Rogoff [1996], Ch.1, pp.5-39.
The Solow Growth Model
Romer [2001], Ch.1, pp.9-22.
Obstfeld and Rogoff [1996], Ch.4, pp.200-216.
The Ramsey Model
Blanchard and Fisher [1989], Ch. 2, pp.38-58.
Romer [2001], Ch.2, pp.47-74.
Endogenous Growth Theories
Romer [2001], Ch.3. pp.99-107, 126-132.
Overlapping Generation Models
Blanchard and Fisher [1989], Ch. 3, pp.91-104, 110-126.
Part II
Engines of Economic Growth
Hayashi, Fumio and Edward C. Prescott [2000], The 1990s in Japan: A Lost Decade, Working Paper 607, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis.
Lucas, Jr., Robert E. [1993], Making a Miracle, Econometrica, vol.61. no.2, 251-272.
Prescott, Edward C. [1998], Needed: A Theory of Total Factor Productivity, International Economic Review, 39(3), 525-551.
The Transitional Dynamics of the Neoclassical Growth Models
Barro and Sala-i-Martin [1995], Chapter 2.
More on Endogenous Growth Theories
Agion and Howitt [1998], Ch.2.
Jones, Charles I. [1995], R&D-Based Models of Economic Growth, Journal of Political Economy, 103, 759-84.
Growth and Unemployment
Agion and Howitt [1998], Ch.4.
Growth and Inequality
Aghion and Howitt [1998], Ch.9.
Aghion, Philippe, and Patrick Bolton [1997], A Theory of Trickle-Down Growth and Development, Review of Economic Studies, 64, 151-172.
Alesina, Alberto, and Dani Rodrik [1994], Distributive Politics and Economic Growth, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 465-490.
Matsuyama, Kiminori [2000], Endogenous Inequality, Review of Economic Studies, 743-759.
Job Search and Labor Markets
Pissarides [2000], Ch. 2, Ch.3, and Ch.4.
Monetary Policy in Dynamic Macroeconomic Models
Benhabib, Jess, Stephanie Schmitte-Grohe, and Martin Uribe [2002], Avoiding Liquidity Traps, Journal of Political Economy, 110(3), 535-563.
Burnside, Craig, Martin Eichenbaum, and Sergio Rebelo [2001], Prospective Deficits and the Asian Currency Crisis, Journal of Political Economy, 109(6), 1155-1197.