Economic Data Resources for Japan and the World

Ryoichi Imai

Kyushu University





My JTW Course Page







金融政策の多角的レビュー(日本銀行) Multiangle Review of Monetary Policy (BOJ)

月例経済報告(内閣府)Monthly Report of the Economy (Cabinet Office)

ドル円の購買力平価への回帰 Market Rate Returns to the PPP

短期日本経済マクロ計量モデル(内閣府) A Short-term Macroeconomic Model of Japan

国際通貨研究所−購買力平価 Purchasing Power Parity (PPP)

消費者物価指数(総務省) Consumer Price Index of Japan

企業物価指数(日本銀行) Corporate Goods Price Index

国民経済計算(GDP統計)内閣府 System of National Accounts (SNA)

経済財政白書等(内閣府)White Papers on the Economy 

財政に関する資料(財務省)Summary of tax policies

財務省貿易統計 Trade Statistics – Ministry of Finance

国際収支(財務省) Balance of Payments – Ministry of Finance

人口統計資料集(国立社会保障・人口問題研究所)Population Data

合計特殊出生率(厚生労働省) Birth Rate – Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare

18歳人口の推移(文部科学省)18 years old population – Ministry of Education and Science

少子化対策白書(内閣府) Prevention Policies against Low Birthrate – Cabinet Office

男女共同参画白書(内閣府) Policies for Gender Equality – Cabinet Office

18歳人口予測(リクルート) Projection for 18 years old population – Recruit

労働生産性の国際比較(日本生産性本部)International Comparison of Labor Productivity

長期労働統計(JILPT Long-run Labor Statistics

データブック国際労働比較(JILPT Databook on International Comparison of Labor Markets

大卒求人倍率調査(リクルート) job-to-applicants ratio for college graduates

人口動態調査 Population Dynamics Survey

世界経済のネタ帳 Data Page on the World Economy

実質実効為替レート Real Effective Exchange Rates

人口計算機 Regional Population Calculator

新型コロナウィルス対策アドバイザリーボード Advisory Board for the Coronavirus Prevention Policy

NHKニュース NHK news

日本経済新聞 Nikkei news



IMF – Implied PPP conversion rate

IMF - Exchange Rates selected indicators

Yahoo! Finance – World Indices

Bureau of Economic Analysis (Department of Commerce)

Bureau of Labor Statistics - Productivity

President’s Budget (The White House)

FRED Economic Data (Saint Louis FED)

Coronavirus Pandemic (Our World in Data)


The True Size of



Wealth of Working Nations

Fertility and Social Security

The Neoclassical Growth of China

Institutions and power structure: Imperial China and feudal Europe compared

The fractured land hypothesis: Why China is Unified but Europe is not

Can China’s growth lower welfare in developed countries? A refutation of the Samuelson conjecture

On the Economics of Currency Competition




The Covid-19 Pandemic 2020-2022


Lecture 1 - 2020

Lecture 2: Covid-19 and the Japanese Economy 2021 – 2021/12/20

Lecture 3: Covid-19 and the Japanese Economy 2022 -2022/12/12

Lecture 3: Vaccination, Excess Mortality, and Economic Recovery – 2022/12/20


Analysis of the Covid-19 Related Deaths


My Research Works

Japanese Economy 2023


An Economic Analysis of the Covid-19 Pandemic with Explicit Medical Capacity Constraint – 2021/11/4

A Simple Model of Economic Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic – 2020/8/29

2020: Coronavirus Pandemic and the Japanese Economy (J)










国際収支 報道発表資料







経済成長率の推移(2006〜2021年)(日本, アメリカ, イギリス, 中国)


Public Health

Effective Reproduction Number of the Coronavius

Our World in Data Coronavirus

Advisory Board against the Covid-19 Pandemic Japan


Economic Impacts

Economic Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan (JILPT)

Corona Virus Pandemic and Its Effects on the Japanese Economy (V-RESAS)

White Paper on Tourism

MMT Symposium 2020

Shiller PE Ratio

Purchasing Power Parity

Real Effective Exchange Rates

Gross Domestic Product (Cabinet Office)


Electric Power Shortage

Nuclear Power Plants in Japan



Fertility Rates of East Asia

The True Size of …



Fujii and Nakata (2020-) Covid-19 and Output in Japan

So Kubota

Covid Economics

字経済」住宅価格にも 都心は上昇・均衡は低迷(日経新聞)


国内銀行108行「20209月中間期単独決算 預貸率」調査(東京商工リサーチ)

10年後の財政「破綻確率」50% 将来世代の負担を考える(島澤諭)

ギャンブルを続ける日本経済〜10年後の国の「財政は破綻確率」は50%〜(島澤諭), shimazawa


Manju Kowai: English Rakugo by Matthew Barbee





Japan Covid-19 Forecast Dashboard (Google)

Agoop (Softbank)

Tracking Coronavirus Pandemic (Sapporo Medical University)

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Testing Database

Corona: Tokyo Metropolitan Prefecture

COVID-19 Community Mobility Reports (Google)

Mobility Report during the Corona Virus Pandemic (NTT docomo)

Covid-19 News by NHK


Economic Impacts

Economic Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan (JILPT)


Tracking Recovery from the Corona Virus Pandemic (Opportunity Insights) US Economy

A Multi-Risk SIR Model with Optimally Targeted Lockdown (Acemoglu et al)



Ministry of Foreign Affairs    English

Ministry of Justice    English

Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare  English

Pandemic HQ (Cabinet Offce)

Covid-19 pandemic in Tokyo Prefecture

Covid-19 pandemic in Fukuoka Prefecture

Covid-19 pandemic in the US (Financial Times)

Go-to-Travel Project (Japan Tourism Agency)

Urban Population after Pandemic Emergency Declaration (NTT docomo)


The SIR Model

Makino sensei on Corona Pandemic

Makino sensei on Corona Pandemic 2

Differential Equation Applications for Virus Pandemic (Inaba)

Mathematical Model of Virus Infection (Akihiro Sato)

Herd Immunity (Wikipedia)


Practical Information for Foreigners

Ministry of Justice

Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare



Coronavirus Update (Live)

Coronavirus tracked: the latest figures as the pandemic spreads | Free to read

Coronavirus Spread in Japan (Toyo Keizai)

COVID-19 Japan

NHK: Corona Infection Monitoring Indices in Tokyo

IHME: COVID-19 Projections - Japan (US Whitehouse)

Self-Restraint Ratio (NHK)



Covid-19: Saving thousands of lives and trillions in livelihoods (McKinsey)

Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University

Japan COVID-19 Coronavirus Tracker

2020 coronavirus pandemic in Japan

Active Population density in Tokyo (NHK)

Coronavirus Pandemic at a Glance (Nikkei)

Dollar Shortage Test for Emerging Countries: Foreign Reserves Decline at Maximum Rate (Nikkei), English

Coronavirus: Japan's mysteriously low virus death rate (BBC News)


Modelling Coronavirus Pandemic


Pandemic Shutdowns Work for the Economy, Too

‘Act fast and do whatever it takes’ to fight the COVID-19 crisis, say leading economists

Lessons from the Spanish Flu for the coronavirus’s potential effects on mortality and economic activity, (Robert J. Barro, José F. Ursua, and Joanna Weng)

Coronavirus meets the Great Influenza Pandemic (Robert J. Barro, José F. Ursua, and Joanna Weng)

The Macroeconomics of Epidemics (Eichenbaum, Rebelo, Trabandt)

Mitigating the COVID Economic Crisis: Act Fast and Do Whatever It Takes

Macroeconomic Implications of COVID-19: Can Negative Supply Shocks Cause Demand Shortages?

How to Minimize the Attack Rate during Multiple Influenza Outbreaks in a Heterogeneous Population


A Simple Planning Problem for COVID-19 Lockdown (Alvarez, Argente, and Lippi)

An SEIR Infectious Disease Model with Testing and Conditional Quarantine (David W. Berger, Kyle F. Herkenhoff, Simon Mongey)

Sequential Lifting of COVID-19 Interventions with Population Heterogeneity (Adriano A. Rampini)

Heterogeneous employment vulnerability and inequality in Japan (Shinnosuke Kikuchi, Sagiri Kitao, Minamo Mikoshiba)

Health versus wealth: On the distributional effects of controlling a pandemic (Jonathan Heathcote, Andrew Glover, Dirk Krueger, Víctor Ríos-Rull)

The labour market policy response to COVID-19 must save aggregate matching capital (Shigeru Fujita, Giuseppe Moscarini, Fabien Postel-Vinay)


Notes on Coronacoma Economics (Krugman)

Compartmental Models in Epidemiology (Wikipedia)

National fiscal policy response to the Great Recession

Pandemic Readings from Economists (Mankiw)



Reasons why Japan has been successful

European watching the Corona Crisis in China

Weekly deaths in the US declines under the Corona Pandemic

Corona Infection is amazingly high in the foreign residents in Japan

Essential (E) and Non-essential (N) Sectors (Krugman)

Ian Werning

Spanish Flu (1918-1919)

Europeans watching Corona Pandemic in Asia

Timeline of the Corona Pandemic