Search Theory Workshop

Peter Diamond教授、Dale Mortensen教授、Christopher Pissarides教授がノーベル賞(2010年)受賞!




著書:サーチ理論 分権的取引の経済学

今井 亮一,・工藤 教孝,・佐々木 勝,・清水 崇 著







·         126日(月):オンライン研究会

o    報告者:岩崎康平(大阪大学)

o    論題:仮想通貨のサーチモデル

o    16:00 報告

o    18:00 オンライン懇親会

·         10月14日(木):オンライン研究会

o    報告者:久保田荘(早稲田大学)

o    論題:感染と経済の動学的一般均衡分析

o    1600 報告

o    1800 オンライン懇親会


·         12月23日(水):オンライン研究会

o    報告者:福井真夫Massachusetts Institute of Technology 院生)

o    論題:A Theory of Wage Rigidity and Unemployment Fluctuations with On-the-Job Search 

o    1500 報告

o    1700 オンライン懇親会

·         6月27日(土):オンライン研究会

o    報告者:郡司大志(大東文化大学)

o    論題:Towards a Grand Unified Model for Modern Money Theory

o    1600 報告

o    1800 オンライン懇親会 


·         3月9日(金)―10日(土): Search and Matching Theory Workshop in Fukuoka Japan 2018

Nishijin Plaza, Kyushu University (九州大学西新プラザ) Medium Conference Room (中会議室)

Friday, March 9

§  10:00 Han Han (Peking University): The Effects of Monetary Policy, and Other, Announcements in Dynamic General Equilibrium

§  11:00 Ryoichi Imai (Kyushu University): Tax Wedge and Job Distribution with Directed Search

§  12:00 Lunch

§  13:30 Ismail BAYDUR (Singapore Management University): Duration Dependence and Business Cycles

§  14:30 Seung-Gyu (Andrew) SimUniversity of Tokyo: On-the-job Training and On-the-job Search: Wage-Training-Promotion in a Frictional Labor Market

§  15:30 Break

§  16:00 Daiki FukaiKyushu University: Endogenous Repo Cycles

§  17:00 Nicolas Jacquet (Singapore Management University): Contract Enforceability and the (In)efficiency of Worker Turnover

§  18:00 adjourn

§  19:30 Dinner

Saturday, March 10

§  10:00 Huang Kui, Angela (National University of Singapore): On the Number and Size of Banks: Efficiency and Equilibrium

§  11:00 Ryoji Hiraguchi (Meiji University: Money and banking in an overlapping generations economy

§  12:00 Lunch

§  14:00 Benoit Julien (University of New South Wales, Australia): Asset Equilibria with Indivisible Goods

§  15:00 Yoshinao SahashiOsaka Prefecture University: Anonymity and equilibrium indeterminacy in a random matching model with money: a conjecture

§  16:00 Yiting Li (National Taiwan University): Optimal banking regulation and liquidity

§  17:00 adjourn

International Guests

§  Nicolas Jacquet (Singapore Management University)

§  Benoit Julien (University of New South Wales (Australia)

§  Yiting Li (National Taiwan University) l

§  Ismail BAYDUR (Singapore Management University)

§  Huang Kui, Angela 黄葵(National University of Singapore)

§  Han Han (Pekin University)

Speakers from Japan

§  平口良司(明治大学政治経済学部)

§  佐橋義直(大阪府立大学)

§  Seung-Gyu (Andrew) Sim(東京大学)

§  深井大幹(九州大学)

§  今井亮一(九州大学)


·         12月4日():STW秋の会@九州大学

o    15:4519:30+懇親会あり

o    場所:九州大学西新プラザ多目的室(2F)

o    報告者:

§  深井大幹(九州大学):A heterogeneous agent model of robotics and artificial intelligence

§  磯貝茂樹(西南財経大学―中国):Credibility of Deterrence and Extensive-Form Rationalizability

·         7月31日():STW夏の会@九州大学

o    15:4519:30+懇親会あり

o    場所:九州大学西新プラザ多目的室(2F)

o    報告者:

§  深井大幹(九州大学):A Model of Collateral

§  菅文彦(九州大学):An Equilibrium Model of Pension Provision and Wage Determination

·         1月20日():神戸大学六甲フォーラム

o    15:0018:10+懇親会あり

o    場所:神戸大学経済学部:中会議室(第三学舎一階西側)

o    報告者:

§  清水崇(神戸大学):Equilibrium Selection in Monetary Search Models: An Experimental Approach

§  渡辺誠(アムステルダム自由大学):Multiproduct Intermediaries


·         1月9日():STW冬の会@九州大学

o    13:3018:30+懇親会あり

o    場所:九州大学西新プラザ多目的室(2F)

o    報告者:

§  14:00:田中義孝(慶応大学院生):Stock Market and Monetary Policy in a Search Model of Money

§  15:10:野澤亘(九州大学):On Wallace's conjecture in the Shi-Trejos-Wright model

§  16:20:平口良司(千葉大学):Choice of market in the monetary economy (joint with Keiichiro Kobayashi)

§  17:30:渡辺誠(アムステルダム自由大学):Competitive Sequential Search Equilibriumjoint with Jose-Luis Morage





o    中島可友奈(University of Wisconsin 院生): The Repeated Migration Puzzle: A New Explanation

o    粟屋祐(Pennsylvania State University院生): Reputation and Search

o    松井彰彦(東京大学):Search theoretic foundation under two-sided incomplete information

o    筒井淳也(立命館大学): 晩婚化・少子化研究の理論と実証

o    今井亮一(九州大学):A Directed Search Model of Marriage

o    平口良司(立命館大学):Temptation and Inflation

--------------Friday, March 9---------------------
18:00: Special Lecture on Directed Search by Shouyong Shi at OSIPP, Osaka University

---------------Saturday, March 10-------------------
The 4th Search Theory Conference at Hotel Hankyu Expo Park
13:00: Shingo Ishiguro
Contracting with Search Frictions
14:15: Ryoichi Imai:
Resale and Middlemen
15:30: Katsuya Takii
Incentives to Invest in Match-Specific Human Capital in Competitive Search Equilibrium
17:00: Shouyong Shi
Sectral Shift, Job Mobility, and Wage Inequality


o    Seung-Gyu (Andrew) Sim (University of Tokyo) : Wage Dynamics with Private Learning-by doing and On-the-job Search

o    So Kubota (University of Tokyo - Student): Money and multilateral trade: a uniqueness result

o    飯島良太(東京大学院生):Learning Type Distribution in Search and Matching

o    工藤教孝(北海道大学):Labor Market Rigidities and Industrial Structures in a Global Economy 

o    砂川武貴 (日本銀行−Ohio State U):Optimal monetary policy with labor market frictions and real wage rigidity

o    野坂博南(関西大学):Signaling and Early Contracting in a Frictional Labor Market 

o    渡辺誠(Universidad Carlos III de Madrid):Middlemen: a directed search equilibrium approach

o    今井亮一(九州大学):A Search Model of Bestsellers


o    石瀬寛和(日本銀行):Inventory-Theoretic Money Demand and Relative Price Dynamics

o    丸山亜希子(政策研究大学院): Learning about one's own type in two-sided search

o    杉浦裕晃(愛知大学): A Search Theoretic Approach to the Wage Curve and Regional Migration

o    増井淳(創価大学): The Impacts of Employment Protection on Labor Market Performance in the Competitive Search Equilibrium

o    川上圭(UCLA院生): The Formation of Exchanges: Risk Sharing and Information Aggregation

o    柏木昌成(UCLA院生): Self-fulfilling Beliefs and Bounded Bubbles in the U.S. Housing Market

o    向山敏彦(University of Virginia: Understanding the Welfare Effects of Unemployment Insurance Policy in General Equilibrium.



·         February 6 & 7: Search Theory Conference, Senri Hankyu Hotel
Presented by Osaka University with Search Theory Workshop

--------------Friday, February 6---------------------
13:30 Registration
13:45 Kunio Tsuyuhara (University of Toronto): Repeated Moral Hazard with Worker Mobility via Directed On-the-Job Search
14:45 Ryoichi Imai (Kyushu University): A Search Model of the Lost Generation
15:45 Break
16:00 Norikazu Tawara (Kanto Gakuen University): Performance Pay, Efficiency Wages and Unemployment Fluctuations
17:00 Noritaka Kudoh (Hokkaido University): Employment and Hours of Work
18:00 Adjourn

---------------Saturday, February 7-------------------
10:00 Keiichiro Kobayashi (RIETI): Asset-price collapse and market disruption
A model of financial crises
11:00 Kenn Ariga (Kyoto University): Mismatches and Factor Mobility
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Robert Shimer (University of Chicago): Adverse Selection in Competitive Search Equilibrium
14:15 Break
14:30 Julen Esteban-Pretel (University of Tokyo): TFP Growth Slowdown and the Japanese Labor Market in the 1990s
15:30 Koji Yokota (Otaru University of Commerce): Production Theory with Friction
16:30 Break
16:45 Masaru Sasaki (Osaka University): Unemployment and Workplace Safety
17:45 Adjourn




·         7月11日(金): 関西大学経済学部 午後4時−6時(開始時間が1時間遅くなっています

o    宮本弘暁(ウィスコンシン大学大学院): The Impact of Productivity Growth on Labor Market Dynamics






·         9月10日(金)

o    清水崇(関西大学): A Monetary Search Model with Commitment

o    石原秀彦(専修大学): 分散型市場経済における均衡の非決定性について

·         7月16日(金)

o    佐々木勝(大阪大学): Time Allocation between Work and Search for a Marriage Partner

o    今井亮一(九州大学): Employment Protection and Welfare

·         6月18日(金)

o    工藤教孝(関西大学): Firm Size, Hours, and Wages in Search Equilibrium (with 佐々木勝)

o    清水崇(関西大学): Real Indeterminacy of Stationary Equilibria in Matching Models with Media of Exchangewith神谷和也)

Last updated: 2011/03/30